Dulapul "Riddled" [2006] este confectionat din furnir de nuc gros 2.2mm si tabla de aluminiu taiate si gravate la laser.
The 'Riddled Cabinet' is based on the installation 'Experiments in Porosity' consisting of five delicately faceted forms which exist not as independent objects, but rather as phenomenal experiences of spatial sequences within and around as parts of a whole. In the "Riddled Cabinet" the five porous boxes snap together influencing the geometries of each adjacent box. The cabinets are inscribed in an orthogonal frame defining the limits of the piece as furniture and densely perforated with five unique porous patterns. Each of these patterns reveals the contents of that specific box in a differentiation of light and shadow.
Dulapul "Riddled front" [2007] fara balamale este confectionat MDF de lac mat negru sau alb placat cu furnir de nuc 2.2mm taiat si gravat la laser si are rafturi interioare din sticla sablata.
Masa Riddled a fost gandita in doua versiuni.
Versiunea 2006 este confectionata integral din lemn si furnir de lemn si finisata cu ulei vegetal.
The 'Riddled Table' takes advantage of closely folded double membranes to produce the legs and table top. The layering of the faceted porous surfaces produces a gradated phenomenal effect of light and shadow as the distance between folded over planes tightens and widens. The table-top seems to hover above the ground as the heavily perforated legs dissolve into an organic pattern of glowing light and transparency. Made of a laminated 4-ply composite material developed by Albeflex, the furniture's shapes are based on the best performance qualities of the material. The riddled furniture celebrates the materiality and phenomenal properties of this new unique composite, while exhibiting and demonstrating its unique capabilities for flat fabrication and volumetric assembly.
Versiunea 2007 are picioarele confectionate din foi de furnir de nuc de 2.2mm pliate pe princiopiul origami pentru a forma o structura rezistenta. Pe acestea este sprijinit blatul din sticla. Prinderile sunt din aluminiu. Exista si varianta cu leduri in interiorul picioarelor.
Quatrodiluna [2008] este o oglinda gravata laser pe care este fixata o etajera confectionata din furnir de nuc pe acelasi principiu si cu acelasi pattern.
Website Steven Holl Architects / Design de produs
Website Horm Srl
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