duminică, 11 iulie 2010


Scaunul Myrkr a fost creat de Christofer Warren pentru WORD [Warren Office for Research and Design] pentru o expozitie in cadrul careia era nevoie de o zona de sedere destinata vizionarii cartilor unor artisti.
Piesa de mobilier este realizata integral din placaj de lemn de 12mm taiat la laser, vopsita negru si lacuita, iar conexiunile dintre piese sunt realizate cu ajutorul a 144 de cepuri din lemn.

Old Norse for "darkness", Myrkr is conceived of light and shadow. Its design answers the modern call for material efficiency and the utilization of technology; however, the common contemporary desires for thinness and gloss have been replaced by volume and subtlety.

"Find beauty not only in the thing itself but in the pattern of the shadows, the light and dark which that thing provides." - Jun'ichirō Tanizaki, In Praise of Shadows


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