Materialele cu decupaturi sau efecte tridimensionale au inceput sa fie un adevarat trend in ultimii ani, iar fabricarea lor a devenit, datorita tehnologiei laser, din ce in ce mai accesibila. Designer in Suedia, Camilla Diedrich, a fost una dintre primii care a lucrat cu asemenea efecte, si a realizat o serie de materiale textile, unele din ele tridimensionale iar altele realizate asemanator unor colaje.
”Swedish designer Camilla Diedrich may look like an anarchist, but she thinks like an architect. One of the first designers to start cutting holes in textiles and structuring them in terms of negative space, Diedrich’s talent imbues her works with the transparency, texture and robustness more typical of a building façade than a fabric lenght. Her work transforms flat surfaces into richly-textured, three-dimensional forms that challenge conventional ideas of what a textile should be."
by Bradley Quinn editor of ‘Textile Designers at the Cutting Edge’, Laurence King Publishing.
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