In anul 2007 a fost organizata o expozitie in Seattle intitulata "Interactivity". In cadrul acestei expozitii piesa centrala a fost o colectie de fluturi confectionati din hartie taiata la laser care au fost conceputi sa interactioneze cu privitorul prin miscarea aripilor.
"Our goal was to create mechanical creatures which would respond to observers by flapping their wings. Their motion is achieved using a combination of stepper motors, rare earth magnets, some custom circuitry and a Mac Mini driving the whole thing using input from a video camera. The Butterflies’ wings are created using designs which were laser cut into paper.
The result is a bit creepy. It’s plainly obvious that they are not real butterflies. The body, head and legs are nowhere to be seen. You can even see the texture of the paper. And yet, they stir some strange emotion that makes one think these paper butterflies want to be free and are struggling against the black metal pins which hold them in place. The silence of the mechanisms assists in this illusion because no mechanical noise can be heard."