duminică, 10 februarie 2013


In septembrie 2012 s-a deschis la Knoll Gallerie din Viena, o expozitie denumita Days of Labour, Nights of Leisure - Art as the Disruption of Everyday Life
In cadrul acestei expozitii Anca Benera si Arnold Estefan au participat ca si artisti invitati cu lucrarea intitulata I work, therefore I am not. Parte din lucrare - executata in colaborare cu Atelier13 - consta in debitarea unor panouri din placaj de lemn si gravarea laser a acestora cu o grafica ce semnifica defapt inregistrarea traiectoriei cursorului pe monitor de-a lungurl unei zile a saptamanii.

 "I work, therefore I'm not"  examines the condition of the artist who needs to support his or her practice through a day job. In our case, most of these jobs involve computer work. The drawings represent the traces left by the computer mouse recorded through a software, while working 5 days per week. We compiled a calendar for the entire duration of the exhibition, sending a new drawing each day. 
Anca Benera & Arnold Estefan

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