Iris van Herpen este cunoscuta in lumea modei ca designer vestimentar originar din Olanda, care sustine in arta sa reciprocitatea între măiestrie şi inovaţie în tehnica şi materiale.
Utilizand la maxim posibilitatile proiectarii si executiei digitale – laserul si printarea 3D, aceasta creaza un haute-couture futuristic, aducand moda la contradictia extrema dintre frumuseţe şi regenerare. Este felul ei unic de a-si reevalua realitatea si de a exprima şi sublinia individualitatea.
Esenţa van Herpen exprima caracterul şi emoţiile unei femei unice si analizeaza forma corpului feminin în detaliu folosind tehnici vechi şi uitate combinate cu materiale si tehnici futuriste.
For me fashion is an expression of art that is very close related to me and to my body. I see it as my expression of identity combined with desire, moods and cultural setting.
In all my work I try to make clear that fashion is an artistic expression, showing and wearing art, and not just a functional and devoid of content or commercial tool. With my work I intend to show that fashion can certainly have an added value to the world, that it is timeless and that its consumption can be less important then its beginning. Wearing clothing can create a very exciting and imperative form of self-expression. 'Form follows function' is not a slogan with which I concur. On the contrary, I find that forms complement and change the body and thus the emotion. Movement, so essential to and in the body, is just as important in my work. By bringing form, structure and materials together in a new manner, I try to suggest and realize optimal tension and movement.